Sorry this is up after the fact, but the truth is that this was the first time doing an all gluten-free Thanksgiving Dinner, so I thought I'd make it, and tell you about it, and you'll have it for Christmas, if you like.
I've been gluten-free since 2002, but this is the first time I really committed to having an all gluten-free holiday dinner. Even when my family made the effort to use alternative ingredients, all their utensils and bakeware were contaminated. So every year, I've suffered a few days of post-Thanksgiving discomfort. This year, I have a larger kitchen, some time, and lots more access to GF products.
First, I made the
family cole slaw recipe. I know, most of you don't prepare slaw for Thanksgiving, but that's your problem. My family recipe adds a nice zing to dinner, and is a key ingredient in the sandwiches the next day. I've adjusted it to be gluten-free. But it has to chill before you pour it over the shredded cabbage, and then it needs to set and soak for a few hours after that. Honestly, it really improves with age.
Next, I baked a pumpkin pie. I've tried frozen pies from Whole Foods, but frankly, they were miserable. First, they were tiny, and it was hard to cut them into a piece and serve. Second, they tasted like thawed cardboard. Mrs Smith would be appalled. (And when is she going to make GF pies?).
So this year I baked a pie. I didn't go crazy; while I've made pies from scratch before, this time I used Whole Food's Gluten Free Bakehouse pie crusts. I had done this a few years ago with mixed results, but then I realized I hadn't thawed the crust before baking, as indicated on the package. D'oh!

This time, I gave the pie crust time to fully defrost. This gave me the chance to close up a crack that had appeared in the crust; no big deal, once it's thawed, it's very easy to pinch the gap closed.
For the filling, again, I didn't go crazy. I used Libby's pumpkin puree, and followed the recipe on the label. I figured it was a step above simply using canned pie filling. And there weren't that many ingredients, it only took a few minutes to put it all together. An investment since the last time I baked a pie was my standing mixer. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
I baked it according to the Libby's recipe, and set it aside to cool down. (You can see where I poked it with a knife to confirm it was fully set.)
Now it's time for the most doubtful part of the day; gluten-free stuffing.
I didn't do a whole turkey this year, because I did the day on my own. I had several invites, but this year I wanted a fully gluten-free meal. I didn't want to invite folks over, because it's so experimental. I'll have people over next year, now that I know what I'm doing.
Anyway, I decided to skip a full bird, and just went with a breast. So I did an oven stuffing, which some experts say is better for you anyway.

The only change I did from a traditional stuffing was to substitute GF bread. I used
Udi's Whole Grain bread
, available in the freezer section of my local Publix. I let it thaw overnight, and then cut it up into cubes and let it dry out while the pie finished baking.
I set a cup of chicken broth to boil, and then I then chopped up an onion, and three stalks of celery, and tossed them in a hot skillet with some olive oil. As they softened and turned translucent, I added a teaspoon each of thyme and sage, then discovered I was out of rosemary.
Pie's out, so I reset the oven temp for the stuffing.

I mixed everything together in a bowl, found it kind of dry, so I added another cup of chicken broth. I put the resulting mix in a casserole dish, and baked for about 15 minutes at 450 covered. I removed the cover, lowered the temperature down to 375, and set the timer to 30 minutes.
I used this time to clean up the kitchen and load up the dishwasher. How did I live for 20 years without a dishwasher?
Once the stuffing came out, the turkey breast went in. I kept it simple, coated it with butter and salt and pepper, and stuck it in. I used the time to prep my other dishes; but you can find your own mashed potato recipe. Green beans, and finally, I opened a can of jellied cranberry sauce. This horrifies most people; get over it. It's delicious, and again, it's a necessary ingredient for tomorrow's turkey sandwich.

I have to admit, I didn't try to make gravy from scratch. I'm only roasting a breast, and I didn't think I'd have enough juice to make any reasonable amount of gravy. I used a package of Imagine's Roasted Turkey Gravy, another product I was able to pick up at Publix. Thank god for Publix and their Greenwise Sections; last year I was at the mercy of Whole Foods, who carried lots of gluten free products, but not Turkey Gravy at Thanksgiving. What's up with THAT? I did add some juices from the turkey to the gravy, to take away some of that over-processed taste that pre-packaged gravy tends to have. A couple pieces of skin helped, too.
Finally, it was time for dinner...
The result was very satisfactory, although as I suspected, the stuffing needs work. More celery, I think. Rosemary would help. And I think a third cup of chicken stock wouldn't have hurt.
But desert....
Honestly, this is the best pumpkin pie I've had in years. It might be the best pumpkin pie I've ever had! The filling is light and sweet, the crust is perfect. It cut smoothly and lifted right out of the pan.
Tomorrow, I'll show you how to build the best turkey sandwich you've ever had, using Udi's GF sandwich bread.